Sunday, August 10, 2014

Why Won't You Stay Away From the Things That Will Kill You Horribly?

I think we can all agree that A/I in games can be one of it's most frustrating aspects. It seems as though their main goal is to go out and get themselves killed as fast as possible or compromise your position in the worst possible way. I could use numerous different games as examples, but today I will be using Fire Emblem Awakening as it is what prompted me to write this.
Tactics games such as this require a lot of careful thought and planning of each and every move. It's chess times a million with so many moving parts and variables that have to be accounted for to put you in the best possible position. In FE:A there are three distinct types of allies that join you on various maps. There is the allied army, the capable individual, and the victim(s). The allied army in most cases isn't so bad, at there worst they act as a buffer that enables you to get your army in a better position, sometimes they pull through and can lighten your load, but in both cases they do help you out. Capable individuals such as Anna and Say'ri will generally hold their position and defend themselves long enough for you get to them and recruit them to put them under your control. Sadly, allies like these are far and few between. What makes up the majority of your allies are victim(s) either one or several units that simply charge forward putting themselves in as much danger as possible. Without constantly using Rescue to but them back in their starting position, they will quickly get out of a defendable range. Even once rescued they will continue to press forward as if programmed to be as much of a hindrance to your strategy is humanly possible. With groups of victim(s) such as villagers it becomes nearly impossible as you must allocate multiple units solely as rescuers leaving your offense at a disadvantage. In a game where you are in most cases out numbered and every placement is crucial to your survival, such distractions can be frustrating and down right rage inducing at times.

I'm not a programmer, I'm sure A/I technology is very hard to implement on par with a living breathing human being that can adjust strategy on the fly. That being said, I think there are ways to make this problem a little less frustrating even if it can't be solved out right. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon of all things has a system in which you can change the strategy of your party members as the situation calls for. Commands like run away, stay put, go after foes, etc. While you still aren't directly controlling the A/I, they give you the option to nudge it in a certain direction that is more beneficial to you meeting your goals. Fire Emblem Awakening is in my opinion a damn near perfect game. Every aspect is expertly crafted and so much attention and effort went into it, you can tell Intelligent Systems pulled out all of the stops here. That being said, minor chinks in the armor like this aren't the end of the world but can frustrate even the most skilled players.

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